J. Todd Ormsbee
Hello! Glad you stopped by to check me out. My name is Todd, and I'm a resident of San Francisco, a PhD candidate from the University of Kansas, and an all-round great guy. This web page is meant to tell you a bit about me and introduce myself to various kinds of people, so there's a lot here. Feel free to skip and skim around. I hope you find something that grabs your attention, makes you smile, or causes you to pause and think.
Here I am looking all butch just before Christmas, 2001
I'm actually a fun-loving kinda guy, but I was getting annoyed at my digital camera and just gave up trying to take a good shot
more pics of me throughout the site
This is me, around Halloween 1999
(before taking my doctoral exams -- I just think I look really hot in this picture, so I leave it up even though it's out of date)
more pics of me throughout the site
LATEST NEWS: Lucky for me, my dissertation fellowship got renewed for Winter semester 2002. I'm getting ready to submit my proposal to my committee, and will be traveling to Kansas sometime in late January to defend it. I plan to get as much of my research as possible completed before my fellowship runs out in May. Regular season rugby starts on January 5th, and I'm looking forward to it; I've been working really hard on my tackling and ball-handling skills so I can play. I'm also currently looking into trying to find a part-time teaching gig. I have really missed being in front of a classroom, and hope to be able to find something soon.
September 11th hits too close to home: We received word the evening of the terrorist attacks on September 11th that my teammate and friend Mark Bingham was among those killed in the hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. He was an amazing man, full of life, always happy, forthright, and kind. Please check out our team's memorial to him at San Francisco Fog RFC's home page.
Here I am at our first practice of the 2001-2002 season, on September 8, 2001
Life in the City:
Life as a Graduate Student at KU
Interests, Hobbies, and Other Things
(Politics, Queer Issues, Recreation)
Last Revised: 20 September, 2001