Welcome to my Realm....pull up a chair and get to know me...on these pages you will get to know the personal side of me.... My Dad Side.... and the Professional Side of me...AIR FORCE.....also included are some of my favorite quotes about love and life.....:)
I was born in Tennessee and grew up in Arkansas for the most part. When I was in 10th grade my dad got orders to Hawaii and we lived there for two years. That is where I graduated from Radford HS......I joined the Air Force in 1989 and in October of this year it will have been 10 years for me. My job is to protect Air Force resources to include Nuclear weapons which is what I did at Malmstrom AFB in Montana. I crossed trained earlier this year into Combat Arms & am now an Instructor at Ft. Dix NJ. My first duty station was Malmstrom from 1990 - 93, Alconbury RAF UK 93 - 95 (ALS Graduation Pic) , Kleine Brogel AB Belgium 95 - 97, and then back at Malmstrom 97 - May 99. Now I'm stationed at Ft. Dix NJ. I love the outdoors, feeling the wind in my hair, hiking & any water sport you could possibly think of. My proudest achievement has & always will be my sons Brandon & Matthew. Those of you that know me know that I hold a special place in my heart for my best friend & the Mother of my children, Melanie aka ~TruBrit ~ You're still the greatest sweetie! *wink* The rest my friends you will find out on your own, in your own way. ~ BIG HUGE HUGS ~
~TruBrit~, Dove~Angel, NJnanny, Elizabeth, BUG, kathleen, *Arial*, Yasha, Moonlight Rider, zero tolerance, LORD VADER, DreamCaster, Lorrie, Ghostwriter, Lady Jaguar, Cspotrun, Vamp2_0, WENdy, Lara, fireme, MY 3KDS, TC, ~Gidget~, tbar, Anastiasia, Kraven, Thunder, Pandora and so many more that if I forgot you send me and email or find me in chat....*L*