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Gun Dog Photo Contest

April 30, 2001

by Wildman's Gun Dogs

Voting is Open! Ends May 21, 2001

Instructions below.

See Wildman's Gun Dogs for information on Lewis dog Boots

Contest Rules

Very few rules:-)

1. Send one picture to: Wildman's Gun Dogs, 245 Pintura Circle, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 or e-mail a picture to wildman If you want it back, stamp a return envelope.

2. There must be a gun dog in the picture.

3. I'll format, size, and put it on this page with your name.

4. One photo per entrant.

Some new tips, March 4, 2001.

Photo Tips. Click Here!

How to Win! Two categories!

  • The "popular" vote category: The photo with the most votes wins. Get your friends to visit Wildman's Gun Dogs and vote at the end of the contest. No chads or butterfly ballots. Anyone can figure it out! Voting will not open until 16 May 2001.

  • New for this contest: Cover Contest! If your photo is selected for the June cover of Wildman's Gun Dogs, you'll win Lewis Dog Boots!

Dad and Jack by Wildman

Sample Only!


Here is a picture of my daughter's dog for your contest, "Ashley's Bea Sting", she is only 14 months olds and hunts like a pro. J. Dennis.


This is Cindy retrieving a Mearns, the first of a double of a nice point. I was hoping for a point shot but the birds did not help. Lee Anderson.


Is this your photo? I lost your e-mail!!! Please send me your name and the picture info again. Wildman



Remember the picture of the cute little puppy, Freckles? Many of you asked about him. Here he is, all grown up, boots on, and ready to go! He is a setter and belongs to Martin Nash.


Tommy is a 4 year old labrador. Jodi Staples.


My son Zachary just got his licence on wed. and took him to a hunt club and got this rooster with the help of his 2 dogs Rose and Ruby, they turned 1 on March 16. It was a great month. Mark McCarthy.


Jake (18 month old Llewellin Setter) pointing a pheasant. Bob Stokes.




No chads or butterfly ballots to worry about!

Just put the number of the photo in the subject of the the e-mail !

Click here to vote by e-mail.

Voting ends on May 21, 2001.


Previous Contests

Champ won the December 2000 Contest!

Alice in Winterland is the February Winner!

"Gunner" is the December 99 Winner!

"Cindy" won the October 99 contest!

David Geil won the August 99contest!


Can you snail mail a photo? Or scan one, save it in JPG, and attach it to an e-mail?Help, Wildman, I want to enter!

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