Bow Lake Firearms
Reloading Centre

Box 1131 Bancroft, On.
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In Stock Now: Crossbows by Excaliber, Horton, Barrnett &Ten Point; bolts, arrows, hunting and target heads; new and used rifles, hand guns and shotguns; new and used reloading equipment; bullets, primers, brass, hulls, wads and a complete cross-section of powders; cleaning supplies for all your guns and bows.

Excalibur Exocet Crossbow      $580.00
                 Exomag  Crossbow   $620.00
                  Vixen Crossbow       $475.00
                 Paradox Crossbow    $685.00

*Store special* Purchase any crossbow and get 6 bolts @ $1.00 each.
Scopes and Red Dots
Bushnell Dusk to Dawn  3x9x40mm       $120.00
                 Sportsman      3x9x40mm       $110.00

  Trophy   30mm Red Dot  w. 4 reticles  $143.00
  Trophy   30mm Red Dot                         $115.00
  Trophy   25mm Red Dot                          $85.00

Binoculars 10x50                                      $85.00

Supplies and Miscellaneous
Satellite, Bear Jennings, Wasp, Muzzy, Barnett, Horton & Excalibur target and broad heads
Crossbow bolts $3.00- $4.25ea.
"Foamlite" broadhead target $36.00
"Kwikee" quivers $28.00- $40.00
Masking and attracting scents
Soft cross bow cases $23.00 - $44.00ea.
Powder scales $25.00 - $35.00
Firesights & HIVIZ shotgun sights $21.25 - $32.50ea.

*prices do not include applicable taxes*
Used Guns(partial listing)

Browning Auto 5 (Belgium)       12 ga               $850.00
Remington  870  slug gun          12 ga               $400.00
Remington  740  w. scope         .30-06               $480.00
Remington  742 carbine           .30-06               $500.00
Remington    81                      .300 savage        $400.00   
Marlin         795    semi-auto      .22 lr              $195.00
Savage         99E                      .308 win            $375.00
Savage         99E   w. scope     .300 savage        $425.00
Remington   870  wing master   12 ga              $250.00
Winchester   1400  semi-auto    20 ga              $400.00
Winchester   2400  semi auto    12 ga              $400.00
Winchester   Defender              12 ga              $400.00
Winchester   100  w. scope        .308 win          $600.00
Winchester   100                      .308 win          $600.00

New Guns (partial listing)

Mossberg      500                        20 ga             $470.00
Savage           93                      .22 win mag     $250.00
Ruger       mini-30                 7.62x39mm        $900.00
Ruger      Deerfield                    .44 mag         $840.00
Remington    7600   syn. stock    .270 win        $700.00
Remington    7400   syn. stock    .270 win        $750.00
Remington    870 express            12 ga            $520.00
Remington    870
left hand          12 ga            $525.00