Copper 2031-P
Charatersitcs:                High Strength Copper Alloy
                                   High Conductivity
                                   Very Formidable                    
                                   Made with parts of real panthers                   

Price per poound:        3.5 Zebra Skins

History:                       In 1405, Pope Pious IV tasked the Knights of Templar with finding a new coppy alloy suitable for sword making to take along on quests for the Holy Grail. The Knights of Templar found that when the blood of a virgin panther was added to copper during annealing an alloy with fabulous charaterstics would form. Thus, copper 2031-P was born. Cu 2031-P was widely used by NASA until the Democrats gained control of the White house in 1992. With nothing to protest, PETA decided to crusade against the use Cu 2031-P, due to the gruesome death suffered by panthers which was necessary in order to gain desired alloying traitt. The result: Peta
1, Cu 2031-P 0. American political pressure on soveriegn foreign nations resulted in the near extinction of copper 2031-P. Today, Cu 2031-P only exists in select small African nations.