Sorry about the big load of this pic, the rest are thumbnailed


Welcome to my Middle-earth art site. The pictures are my original work based on Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings".
It is also a fansite for the MMORPG "Middle-Earth Online" which is now called "Lord of the Rings Online". It's just been announced that it's being managed in Europe by Codemasters!

I have put online the first few chapters of a "fanfic" story I have been working on. Please have a look and enjoy. The Three.

Below are some fan art pics I did years ago... long before the movies came out so they pre-date that style. Click on the thumbnails below for the big pics...

Sign Guestbook Post a Message in My Guestbook! You can access my new guestbook by clicking on the word "Guestbook" to the left, (hopefully it will work now!) or view my old one here. Enjoy!


Eowyn: "Still she did not blench: maiden of the Rohirrim, child of kings, slender but as a steel-blade, fair yet terrible."

The Palantir of Orthanc: This was done quite quickly in Bryce. I am tempted to draw in Saruman... let's see if I get time over the weekend. (Didn't.)

May I present Minas Tirith.
Painter Classic, Photoshop 4, Bryce

Well, the first Orthanc image (top one) drew such a good response that I thought I would finish a second one. I really like the shape of the building...
Bryce, Photoshop

This I call Towers for lack of any better name.
Photoshop 4, Bryce, Poser

The Tower of Cirith Ungol: A scene from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

The Road: Also a scene from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
Bryce and Photoshop 4

This was an earlier one, starting off as a Realm character.
Done in Photoshop and Bryce.

Galadriel at the Havens. Also Photoshop and Bryce.

This was done in Adobe Photoshop following the excellent instructions on the web page of the amazing Dhabih Eng

It was my first try at this type of thing and led to the other pictures above.

This is a face detail of the pic above.
I just found another old version of my elfwoman pic from ages ago, this time in snow. Just a bit of fun. :)

If anyone would like to email me you can by clicking here!

MEO discussion links
OK, as MEO is back on track again, here are some links on various areas of the game from previous incarnations that I think are still relevant.
Understanding Magic in Middle-earth by Michael Martinez is heavy but essential reading to understand the subject.

Here is an interesting post on a magic system. I don't quite follow it, but what I can follow looks well thought out and it was put in the MEO discussion board hall of fame.

NEWS 10 March 2006:
My goodness, another three year break and I'm back again. Now MEO is LotRO Online and doing very well even though I had dropped out of the community for a while.However its just been announced it's being released in Europe by my dear friends at Codemasters!

NEWS 10 May 2003:
Middle-earth Online is back on again! This time it is being done by Turbine. Click here to take a look.

8 May 2003:
I've just put online the story The Three. Please have a look and tell me if you like it. (Or don't, whatever!)

26 December 2002:
I'm really enjoying the forums over at I'm looking forward to the games!

20 December 2002:
LOL! Another year down the track. As you all know the first and second movies are now both out and are fantastic. I have got the game "Fellowship of the Ring" on Xbox for the kids and will be playing it after Christmas. It looks as though MEO is back on track again and I hope it comes through this time. We'll just have to see.

11 December 2001:
Hi! Here I am back after two years. I thought it was time to dust off this old site, particularly with all the excitement -- mine at least! -- for the new movies coming out.
The reviews sound absolutely amazing. I certainly hope they bring more people to read the great books.
On the Middle-Earth Online game news, there has only been a tale of tragedy and woe over the past two years. Developers sacked ... companies in court ... secret plans, but nothing coming of it all. Such a shame.
15 July 2001:
Well, there was a bit of a false start on MEO again. Sierra entered into a contract to have MM3D make the game but now it is before the courts. The MM3D forums were pretty fun for a while, but sadly locked up again now. *sigh*

22 September 1999:
Sierra, which was creating an online game based on Middle-earth has announced the sacking of the Middle-earth Online staff and redoing the project.
Bad move.

31 May 1999:
"Eowyn" is finally finished! It took longer than expected as I decided to recompose it to tighten it up. I'm pretty pleased with it though.
Now, what to next?

24 March 1999:
Added the Palantir image and I am working on another new image involving lots of drawing.... just have to get the Wacom tablet hooked up at home again.

Also, production of MEO moved from Yosemite to Oakhurst. Not a good sign.

31 January 1999:
Minas Tirith is finally completed! Hard-core Tolkien buffs will notice some imperfections from the original, but this is how I see it. =^D

July 1998:
Middle-Earth Online announced. First website called "". Later website looked much better.


The NEW official home of Middle-Earth Online.

The OLD official forums for Middle-Earth Online game developers. The forum (particularly Developers') is still lively
Writer's Alley A site by Elenduil, a very talented writer with works set in the Tolkien world. For those who enjoy fine writing.
Dhabih Eng Treat yourself to looking at this guy's site. Brilliant.

That's it...

Feel free to use these pics for personal use such as Windows wallpaper if you like and if you want to put them on your website, that is OK too, so long as I get mentioned as the illustrator. If you want to use them in any other way, email me first as I will probably agree.

OK, that ends this page for now. CU later!

DISCLAIMER: This site is in no way associated with Sierra, Yosemite Entertainment. Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and all characters and places therein are trademarks and service marks of Tolkien Enterprises, Berkeley, CA. (I think I am in the clear now.)

This Lord of the Rings site is owned by
Stuart Anderson.

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