40th North Carolina Troops
3rd Regiment North Carolina Artillery
U.S. IV Corps 4th Artillery
Army of the Cumberland
Pitt County Historical Reenactors
The 40th North Carolina Troops is a group interested in American Civil War History and reenacting. We are part of the Pitt County Historical Reenactors along with the 44th North Carolina Troops, an Infantry unit and the 2nd North Carolina Cavalry.

The 40th was formed in 1996 with members in Zebulon, Rocky Mount, Wilson, Pikeville and Dudley, North Carolina. We joined the Pitt County Historical Reenactors in 1999. Currently the unit has two Coehorn Morters available for its use. When reenacting as a Confederate Unit we pattern the unit after the 40th North Carolina and when reenacting as a Federal unit we use the 4th U.S. Artillary as a model. With time and the addition of members we hope to add a full scale carriage gun to the unit.
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