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Wachusett NEMBA

New England Mountain Bike Association
Wachusett Chapter

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New - Check out the photos from the Fragile X Benefit Ride in Leominster State Forest!

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Our mission, which we've chosen to take, is to ride on the best trails that the world has to offer. Luckily, most all of them are in New England, so we don't have to travel far. Our mission, which we hope you'll also take, it to protect these trails and open spaces by providing an organization which can harness the energies of like minded enthusiasts (that's you) to give back the trails which give us so much pleasure and peace of mind.

For us, a mountain bike is the (human-powered) vehicle which links recreation with conservation. We ride, we enjoy, we make the world a better place. A trail is a terrible thing to waste.

We know it hard to believe, but we have thousands of members --14 chapters worth-- who feel the same way. Together, we help park officials and land managers create more trail opportunities for everyone.

Like some of the great hiking organizations, we're a full-featured, one-stop mountain bike group. We offer over 600 organized rides a year; do umpteen thousands of hours of volunteer trail work, have bike patrols, and act as a resource about mountain biking in New England.

Proudly displaying a recent achievement

Our mission (maybe yours as well) is to make sure that we can continue to pedal on New England trails. Though we've rarely met a mountain biker we haven't liked, there are a lot of people out there who would rather that we didn't exist. Some of these misguided folk even go to great lengths to boot us from what they see as "their" trails. Our mission (and we use the royal "are" in this case) is to make sure this doesn't happen.

Now it's your mission to join us. Keep the rubber side down, a smile on your face, and help us make the trails a better place!

Where we work and ride

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