Versatile horses for every purpose
Welcome to the Shire Sport Horse page. On this site can be found pictures of Shire Sport Horses, examples of crosses, awards and recognitions these crosses have achieved, and breeders of Shire Sport Horses. If you own a Shire Sport Horse or breed them, please let me know! I'd love to have a picture and information on your horse.
Shire Sport Horse FAQ |
Examples of Crosses |
Breeders |
Associations |
Shire Sport Horses For Sale |
A Shire Sport Horse is any horse resulting from the breeding of a registered (ASHA or other sister registry) Shire horse to any other breed horse weighing between 700-1400 pounds. DNA testing is used to verify parentage. The Shire parent may
be either the sire or dam.
Yes! The American Shire Horse Association has opened a registry for Shire Sport Horses.
You name it--riding, driving, dressage, jumping, mounted police, reining--the Shire Sport Horse combines the best qualities of the Shire and the other parent's breed into an unbeatable combination, whether you're competing, working, or just wanting a good horse for personal use.
Contact the American Shire Horse Association for more information on the Shire Sport Horse registry. You can also see examples of some different crosses at the Crosses section of this page, or find a Breeder or Association.
Examples of Crosses
Thoroughbred crosses
Quarter Horse crosses
Arab crosses
Appaloosa crosses
Tennessee Walker crosses
Paint crosses
Warmblood crosses
Morgan crosses
Cool Breeze Farm
Tally Ho Shires
Jenson Shires
Black Forest Shires
Harmony Acres
Gurdy Run Farm
American Shire Horse Association
Appaloosa Sport Horse Association
International Sport Horses of Color
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Lorri Robinson.
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