Howell's Knife Page

Jason Howell's Handmade Knives

Thanks for your interest in my knives. I have been making knives part-time since 1994 and selling them since 1997. I have always loved knives for their practical use and beauty. I started making knives because I could not find that perfect production knife. I think I have a good feel for how a good knife should look, feel, and perform. I try to put that into every knife. I enjoy what I do and my goal is to see a satisfied customer handed his quality handmade knife. Is a custom knife for you? Check this out to see... I have settled on a line of knife styles, but I am not limited to just that. Custom orders are welcome. Here are some of some of my Knives.  Custom orders are not a problem. I have several pieces of equipment to craft my knives.
I use and prefer ATS-34 for my blades. It is a high alloy stainless, good carbon content, tough, and provides good corrosion resistance. When heat treated properly, it will provide decades of service with little maintenance. Handle choices include the following: Traditional stag, sheep, buffalo, most all exotic and domestic hardwoods, ancient ivory, oosic, as well as micarta.

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This page last updated on Feb. 6th, 1999
Contact Info:
Jason Glenn Howell
1112 Sycamore
Lake Jackson, Tx 77566
Home (409) 297-9454
Fax (409) 297-9515
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