Epting Family Data Collection

Hi there!

This site is set up to collect data to go into the Epting Family Tree. Over time I hope we can build a comprehensive database of the Epting Family in America that many can utilize and enjoy. We're using free sites to post this information. This is a non-commercial project and we will not use this data for profit. However, we intend to publish the genealogical information publicly on the internet. Don't tell us anything you don't want others to know. We will not publish e-mail or personal addresses publicly, but we may establish family directories which will be distributed to family members. We will ask permission to include your name and addresses in any directories we make. I will share information on the Epting Home Page and will arrange for others to access my data files in the future. The Connections page at the Access Genealogy site is where you'll find internet links of interest including the Epting Genforum.

You may send e-mail comments, suggestions and other information to Epting_Family@yahoo.com, or use the Send Mail form located at this site. Register your addresses and contact information for future Epting directories. Only information you don't mind having public will be published.

If you have information to share for the Epting Tree genealogy use the Family Data Sheet form. This data is the basic information for a family group for Family Tree Maker® software. See information below on filling out the form.

You can see incomplete information on the family tree by selecting Epting Family Tree. This is a large database of individuals descended from Johann Adam Epting and his ancestors. I will be adding more data with the help of individuals contributing information.

Thanks for participating.

Rick Epting

Family Data Sheet - the basic items listed on Family Tree Maker® family page:

You should enter one form for each family unit (father, mother, children) beginning with the oldest generation. If there are more than six children, submit the first sheet and enter the rest on additional sheets. Just include the parent names on each sheet. Any data you don't have just leave blank. After entering all your data, click on one of the submit buttons to transmit your data.

Husband name Spouse name Marriage date Children names
Other name Other name Marriage location Gender
Date born Date born Divorce year Birth date
Birth location Birth location
Date of death Date of death
Death location Death location
Burial site Burial site

"Name" will be full name if the person usually goes by their first name.
"Other name" will be nickname if full name is used as name.
E.g., Name: Richard Wynn Epting Other name: (Rick)

"Name" will be nickname or middle name if the individual uses that as a primary name.
"Other name" will be full name if a nickname or middle name is used as name.
E.g., Name: Jean Epting Other name: (Frances Jean Epting)

Epting Home Page Epting Family Mail Family Data Sheet Epting Registry