Hi I'm Bruce Bush.
I am the Scoutmaster for Troop 263 in Highland, Indiana. We are sponsored by the Highland Elks Lodge # 981. We are affliated with Calumet Council, Munster, Indiana. Our meetings are held every Tuesday evening at the Elks, 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
Happy New Year, and welcome to the 21st Century!!! The troop enjoyed their annual Christmas campout, decorating a beautiful tree donated to us by Allen's Landscaping in Highland. Our next campout is this month at the Dunes State Park.
Our Eagle Scout Candidate will celebrating his Eagle Court of Honor on February 13th, at the Elks lodge. We are very excited and are anxiously for several other boys to acheive this great distinction.
Our fall camporee was a huge success. Y2K Surviving the New Millenium. The scouts enjoyed the challenge of eating on the trail, building their shelters, administering firts aid to disaster victims and solving the problem of crossing a body of water with full packs and gear and many other survival activities.
That's it for now! Happy scouting!!
Email me at bushb@hammond.k12.in.us in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.