Door Peninsula Paddlers Sea Kayaking Group
Area Lighthouses Links
The Apostle Islands
Pictured Rocks
Marine Forecast 

Other Paddling clubs
Online Magazines

This site is intended to be a connection for those looking to paddle in Door County Wisconsin. The Penninsula Paddlers Sea Kayaking Club disbanded in 2000 and became an informal group of freinds interested in kayaking together.  This site is designed to list trip reports from the group and serve as a guide for visiting paddlers.  Anyone who has paddled in northeast Wisconsin may feel free to send in a trip report, I'll be glad to post it.                                                                                                      
Please read
A note on Area Safety.
2004 Door County
Trip Reports

Bay Shore Outdoor Store, Sister Bay
VHF Radio Channals use
Door County Sea Kayak Symposium
Rutabage paddling shop, Madison WI
To submit photos or trip reports click here
Door County Links
Would you like to paddle with us? Need local paddling information? Send an e-mail.
Team leadership center, Door County
Area Water temperatures
2002 pictures
or e-mail
Newport State Park
Peninsula State Park
Rock Island State Park
2004 Door County Sea Kayak Symposium
Remember, It is a Liberty Grove (Northern Door) town ordinance that makes it illegal to carry a boat across a sand beach. The same is for Fish Creek and Ephraim town beaches. Please respect property owners private land adjacent to boat launches. Thnaks for keeping kayaking low impact on the shore!