
Tenshnspn's Ode To the Earth

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We live here on this cool blue planet, submerged in a sea of oxygen. Are we alone ? Why are we here ? What should we do ? My answers have always been that we should act as if we are alone until we have dependable proof to the contrary, that we should treat this as our only lifeboat, that we should tread lightly and try to leave the earth a better place than we found it . And , of course, have as much fun as possible in the process ...

In the best of all possible world's, I am camped somewhere warm and remote . A two-wheeled conveyance waits nearby, either with or without motor . My dog is running beside me along a trail still damp with summer dew . When I finally return home, the Internet and mIRC are the two indoor activities I will spend most of my time on . The following links provide a small sampling of pages dedicated to these interests .

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dark_bullet National Parks and Adventure Link

dark_bullet A Tour of the Web and Some Helpful Advice

dark_bullet Metasearch Engine ... read the Tutorial !

dark_bullet THE DAILY Autoload Homepages - Photos & Cool Links Updated Each Weekday

dark_bullet MIRC Homepage ... Mardam-Bey for World Commisioner !

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