Hi! Welcome to my page. Good to have company...don't let the bones scare you off, they are the reason this page exists! I have over 250 animal skulls and 6 complete skeletons (with several more on the way) that I'd love to show you! So, if you don't get queezy, grab a cup of coffee, sit for a bit, and take a peek around! Enjoy!
- Death
- What a great teacher you are.
- Yet few of us elect to learn from you
- About life.
- That is the Essence of death's teaching
- Life.
- Death is not an elective.
- One day we all will take the class.
- The wise students audit the class in the early years
- And find enlightenment.
- They are prepared when graduation day comes.
- Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.
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Boney Feet Since June 22, 1998
© (c) 2000-2001 "Anything" is Possible. All Rights Reserved. No images or pictures taken without our prior permission first.