Hello, and welcome.You've found my cyberspace cyberlocation. Here's what you will find on my webpage: Online Reprints of Published ArticlesHere at my cyberlocation I am offering online-reprints of pulished articles I've written. These articles are placed behind password protected webpages. Much as one would request a traditional reprint by mailing the author, one requests access to these online-reprints by e-mailing me (the author) and requesting the password.
Paper presented at AAAS/OPRR workshopI presented a talk at a workshop sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Office for Protection of Research Risks. The topic of the workshop was Ethical and Legal Aspects of Human Subjects Research in Cyberspace. My particular presentation was on Privacy and Confidentiality Issues in Internet Research. To read a copy of this presentation, follow the link below.
Survey Results on Perceptions of Privacy in Cyber-communitiesIn association with this presentation, I decided to consult with participants in online mutual support groups regarding their views of online privacy issues in social science research. Toward this end, I developed a brief questionnaire and sought the views of participants in online mutual suport groups. A first draft of the results of this survey can be found at
Original Unpublished ArticlesThese are articles I've written regarding cyberspace and e-therapy but have,as yet, not submitted for publication. As of this time these articles may be cited with reference to this webpage URL Open E-mail to Just-Therapy (tm)In March of 1999 I sent an "open e-mail" to an online organization/business called Just-Therapy (tm) regarding some concerns I have about how they are presenting their service. If you'd like to read my correspondence to them simply follow the link below: |
If you'd like to contact me, please e-mail me at oaksong@aol.com