Welcome to the Home of Boy Scout Troop 176.

Troop 176 meets at St. Ignatius Loyola Cathedral in the beautiful city of Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Palm Beach Gardens is part of the West Palm Beach Metropolitan Area. All of Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Dade, Okeechobee, Hendry, Glades, and Indian River Counties are the responsibility of the Gulf Stream council, serving these counties well for 75 years. Troop 176 has undergone a rebirth over the past few months and currently have 16 scouts, 1 first class scout, 1 star scout, 2 life scouts, and 3 Eagle Scouts for a grand total of 23 scouts. Not the biggest troop or oldest troop in the world, but we have a lot of fun. To explore our adventures and to get to know use better, put up your feet, relax and...


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