Welcome to IAFOSSIL's Homepage!

This is a Actinocrinites (crinoid) with a starfish.

Thank you for visiting my site. I am an avid fossil collector. I spend many hours in the field collecting fossils and many hours in the lab preparing them. I have available for sale many types of museum and collection quailty fossils.

I am interested in purchasing unprepared fossil material and fossil collections.

This is a Ceratonurus trilobite

The main focus of my collection is Crinoids, but I deal with all types of invertebrate fossils and some vertebrate material, from all over the world.

I am a member of MAPS (Mid America Paleontology Society). The organization has over 500 members world wide and is open to anyone with an interest in fossils. Each year MAPS sponsers the world's largest fossil exhibition in Macomb, Illinois. For the year 2007 the National Fossil Exposition XXVIII will be March 30, 31,and April 1 at Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois. The theme of Expo XXVIII will be dinosaurs.

The website for MAPS is http:/www.midamericapaleo.org/.

This is a Hadrosaur (dinosaur) egg from China.

I will display new finds and fossils for sale on the following page. Click >Next Page

Anyone with similar interests feel free to contact me. If you have any particular fossils that you are looking to obtain, please feel free to contact me.

email address: karstuek@iowatelecom.net Sign Guestbook View Guestbook