8/31/03: Taking on another degree

Well, I have decided to pursue a dual degree in MBA and Master in MIS, at U of A. I'll now graduate in May 2005.

8/31/02: I am at UA's MBA school

I have been accepted into University of Arizona's Eller MBA school. Will graduate in May 2004.

My bicycle touring buddy: Tilmann

Here is a picture of Tilmann in a USA Vaude Ad (in March issue of Adventure Cycling)

October 18, 2001

After almost 6 months without work, I am going back to work for Integrated Decision Systems starting Monday, Oct 22. This is very good news considering the current economical conditions. What did I do for the past 6 months? Well, it's a long story, but I basically traveled a lot: for work with my dad, for family stuff, and for fun. More notable events were:

5/11-14/2000: Henry's NY trip

Click here to see the pictures. NOTE: all the pictures are not of original quality to save my web space and your download time. If you would like to have a specific picture, e-mail me then I'll e-mail you back the original picture (so you can print it).

4/29-30/2000: Big Sur Marathon

Click here to see the pictures

4/15/2000: Shifting Gears' Santa Barbara 2000 ride

Click here to see the pictures

4/8/2000: Party at Jon's in SB

What a raging party that started around 9:30pm to 4:30am! Here are the pictures from my newly acquired digital camara. I don't have time (OK, it's mostly because I don't remember everyone's name) to fill out all the captions, but if you would like to help let me know. Anyway, I won't keep you too long....

Click here to PARTY!

12/21/1999: Mexico Trip 1999

I finally got around doing something new!!! As some of you know, I got a chance to go to Mexico for 10 days during the Thanksgiving week. The pictures are developed (all 200+ of them) and they are also all in digital format! I have managed to put some pictures here. Check it out!

Day 1, Mexico City
Day 2, heading toward La Malinche
Day 3, climbing La Malinche
Day 4, heading toward El Pico de Orizaba
Day 5, acclimatizing at Piedra Grande
Day 6, climbing the peak!!!
Day 7, Veracruz part 1 (not commented)
Day 8, Veracruz part 2 (not commented)
Veracruz to Mexico Plane photos

My favorite Links

Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) web site

My Un-Official Los Angeles Critical Mass Page

Check this out, you won't believe your eyes: Britney Spears in Semi-Conductor

Me in Snow
This is a picture of me in 1997 in Mammoth after a superman dive off Max's balcony! (standing on the right is Ryan).

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Updated Nov 24, 2003