Well, I have decided to pursue a dual degree in MBA and Master in MIS, at U of A. I'll now graduate in May 2005.
I have been accepted into University of Arizona's Eller MBA school. Will graduate in May 2004.
Here is a picture of Tilmann in a USA Vaude Ad (in March issue of Adventure Cycling)
After almost 6 months without work, I am going back to work for Integrated Decision Systems starting Monday, Oct 22. This is very good news considering the current economical conditions. What did I do for the past 6 months? Well, it's a long story, but I basically traveled a lot: for work with my dad, for family stuff, and for fun. More notable events were:
Click here to see the pictures. NOTE: all the pictures are not of original quality to save my web space and your download time. If you would like to have a specific picture, e-mail me then I'll e-mail you back the original picture (so you can print it).
Click here to see the pictures
Click here to see the pictures
What a raging party that started around 9:30pm to 4:30am! Here are the pictures from my newly acquired digital camara. I don't have time (OK, it's mostly because I don't remember everyone's name) to fill out all the captions, but if you would like to help let me know. Anyway, I won't keep you too long....
Click here to PARTY!I finally got around doing something new!!! As some of you know, I got a chance to go to Mexico for 10 days during the Thanksgiving week. The pictures are developed (all 200+ of them) and they are also all in digital format! I have managed to put some pictures here. Check it out!
Day 1, Mexico CityLos Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) web site
My Un-Official Los Angeles Critical Mass Page
Check this out, you won't believe your eyes: Britney Spears in Semi-Conductor
Updated Nov 24, 2003