mountain lake

Welcome to Troop 540
Mountain Lake District Our Calender Our Handbook Resources 
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MacScouter Resources BSA Official Home Page AgentZ Scouting Resources Scouting History & Traditions
N.O.L.S. Leave No Trace North Georgia Parks Riverkeeper Okefenokee Joe
What's Orienteering Welcome to Orienteering How to use a compass Finding your way with map & compass GA Orienteering Club

This area of the page would be to list the Eagle Scouts from our Troop.

This is a list of the Adult Volunteres for our Troop. We can be reached by voice mail at 770-590-1905 or by E-mail at Troop 540

Advancement Lewis Holland
Building & Grounds Open
Ceremonies Bob Webber
Chairman Bob Webber
Chaplain Bill Funkhouser
Eagle Coordinator Bobby Freeman
Explorer Advisors John Faulkner
Charlie Holbrook
Fund Raising
Christmas Trees John Faulkner
Pop Corn Sales Doug Schaefer
Scout Show Tickets Doug Schaefer
Onion Sales John Faulkner
GA Tech Ushering Kerry Sartain
High Adventure Ron Moore
Merit Badge Coor. Lewis Holland
Quatermaster George Showman
Registration Ron Lundgren
Secretary Open
Scouting Coor. Bob Wade
Scoutmaster Doug Schaefer
Asst. Scoutmasters Don Purvis
Training Ron Lundgren
Transportation Mike Altomore
Treasure Ron Lundgren
Webmaster Doug Schaefer
Youth Protection Pam Roberds

This section would show the history of our Troop with coverage of our latest outing.

Our Troop is sponsored by the Due West United Methodist Church located at 3956 Due West Road, Marietta GA. The Pastor of the Church is Reverend Tom Davis. The Church has 3 worship services each Sunday: 8:30, 9:39, and 11:00. They have a very active Youth Ministry and are very supportive of our Troop and the Cub Scout Pack 540.

Anything people may want to add. Projects, camping tips, recipes, etc.

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