The Connolly Virtual Gallery

Present Shows

Canada's Special Places

Alberta Grain Elevators

Saskatchewan Grain Elevators

Alberta Scenes

Under Construction

These photographs have been digitized from 35 mm. prints at 72 dpi on a Macintosh computer. I have noticed that they are best viewed with more than 256 colour resolution. They are presented for your enjoyment and are not to be copied either in whole or in part without written permission and credit to the author. These and other images are available for sale by contacting Kevin Connolly at, and we can negotiate pricing depending on what they are to be used for. If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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Other Canadian Galleries Harry Palmer Gallery Jamie Ruggles Ray Rasmussen The Baker Photo Gallery Chapman Outdoor Photography The On-Line Gallery of Paul T. Brown The Dark Room Hays Gallery The Photography Gallery, Artists of British Columbia, Art Vision International World Wide Web Photography Sites: Canada The International Photo Gallery Project (Canada)

Images and text copyright 1990-1999 Kevin Connolly
Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Kevin Connolly.
This page last updated  February 1999 by: Kevin Connolly - <>