(to my meager first attempt at a home page)


Hi I'm Kieran.
I started this web page on 09/02/98
I live in Southern California, near the Orange County area.
However, I grew up in Northern California, in the Sonoma County area.

Okay, so I don't live in so.cal anymore. I've moved back to Sonoma County. (I moved on 10/28/00) And I'm LOVING IT!

A Homage to Homer Simpson

Some of my interests are:
The great outdoors, rowing, mountain biking,
whitewater kayaking/rafting, backpacking, swimming, ....
.... and home theater/stereo equipment.

This is just a tool for me to learn html...
Don't expect much, but please come back soon and visit.

Some other pages on this site:
Check out My Home Theater Page
(Last Updated 4/12/2000)
Check out My Rowing Page
Check out My Family Pictures Page
Check out My Whitewater Page

Also, here's a funny .mpg movie for you.
It's a very long download, but well worth it!
(It's 4.3 MB, so if you're on a modem, don't even try,
unless you want to wait a VEERRRY long time!)
More MOVIES...

Links to other sites on the Web
White Water Kayaking in Southern California
REI: outdoor mega-retailer
Great Outdoor Recreation Pages
The latest and greatest in the world of competitive rowing
Home Theater Online Community...
(where I like to hang out online.)

This is just a really quick attempt at getting a page up and running, using GeoCitities' Basic HTML editor.
I still have a lot to learn about HTML, so hopefully, this page will improve *greatly* with time.

Thanks for stopping by!

EMPLOYERS! Click HERE to download my résumé as an MS Word 6.0 document.

Email Kieran!
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