Ranger Jim's Patrol Base

Yes, I am one of the hot-shot NCOs who recently left the military in disgust. I am now enjoying my new career in the newspaper business in Washington D.C. As a result, this site is being reconstructed. Please check back later.....

(who-a)adj.[slang used by soldiers, primarily airborne/rangers] referring to or meaning anything and everything except "no". 1. what to say when at a loss for words. 2. good copy, solid copy, roger, good, great, message received, understood. 3. glad to meet you, welcome. 4. I don't know the answer, but I'll check on it, I haven't the vaguest idea. 5. I am not listening. 6. that's enough of your dribble -- sit down. 7. stop snivelling. 8. oh shit! you've got to be kidding. 9. yes. 10. thank you. 11. go to the next slide. 12. you've taken the correct action. 13. I don't know what that means - but I'm too embarrased to ask for clarification. 14. amen.

Ranger Jim's Patrol Base
From the 'Ruck Sack Flop' to commuter traffic:
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Ranger Jim email: rangerj@hotmail.com
Last revised: 15 January 2000
This Website is Copyright Protected by Ranger Jim 1998,1999,2000.

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