Hi I'm Perry L. Porter

I signed up on 05/17/98 12:35:32, to store the large jpg files for my Reef Aquarium.

One of my interests are:

Salt Water Reef Aquariums, but I sold it after the divorce.

High Resolution Pictures of Salt Water Reef Tank on Geocities.

A faster load of the same thing on xmission.com

Also Charts of H2O parms. Also Salt Water Aquarium Info. (still not gotten to this)

As a dyslexic, I'm just struggling to know if doG exists, living with dyslexia.

Another hobby is LDS Church History

Here are some of my sights:

Mormon Church History (1831 - 1904) Polygamy Central     First Revelation to Last.

LDS Church History (.net)1830 - 1904     Joseph Smith to the 2nd Manifesto.

Mormon History (.org) 1904 - 1990    2nd Manifesto to the Modern Temple Changes.

Mormon History (.net) 1990 - 2000     Modern Temple Changes to Current Events.

The LDS Adam-God Sources web site contains links to Testimony "Friendly", Testimony "Neutral" as well as Testimony "Hostile" sources regarding Adam-God.

Other Mormon History Links.

Email me at plporter@pobox.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.


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