LOGO Bronson
Who I am
Missions Trips
My Brother's Big Bass
My [cool] Cousins
Engineering Project
Coolest Guy en el Mundo
Ethics Page
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Howdy! My name's Bronson, I’m 21, and I attend Cedarville University.

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I enjoy playing the guitar, and I love to listen to music. Check out the best christian band ever; Petra. Incidently, my favorite radio station is WJTL, and if you want to see what the weather’s like at my house, check this out.


It's been a while since I've done anything with my webpage. Electrical Engineering studies keep me quite busy but I'll be graduating in a few short months and am seeking employment in an RF related field (i.e. antennas or transmitters). If you would like career related information such as a resume, of if you just want to say hi, please email me.


Keep checking back this summer as I'll be attempting to build
onto my pages in my spare time! It is my intent to add more
pics as well as develop the bio info.


I apologize for the lack of recent updates.
Things are pretty busy these days, and the web-page
just hasn't been a priority.

Keep in touch, and hopefully I'll see you soon,


Who I am | Missions Trips | Links | My Brother's Big Bass | My [cool] Cousins | Engineering Project | Coolest Guy en el Mundo | Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook | EMAIL ME |

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