
To my room!
Finally updated May 30, 2001
Okay, so I haven't touched this webpage since 1998. Since then a lot has obviously occured. As most of you already know I now live in Tucson, Arizona, attending the University of Arizona. I'm now a Junior, but taking the 5 year plan and will graduate in May of 2004 in Mechanical Engineering, thus the silly Engineering button below.
Does this page really have a purpose? Nope unless you are oneofmy stalker or a good buddy that wants to know what happen to me. The only two sections that are really interesting are the
Triathlon and Travel sections. I'll try my best to entertain you for a brief moment of your time. I plan to extend this page out (like I promised in '98). I have a few good ideas but lack a scanner at this point in time. If you want to be included in my up and coming buddy section, email me a mugshot and a friendly letter saying hello to lauren@bicycling.com.
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Visitors since March 31, 2001