Dedicated in the memory of my son, Jason Michael Nelson, born at 10:08 AM, April 8, 1981, taken from this earth in a automobile accident North of Pittsburg, PA at 3:50 AM, May 27, 2000. He was Private First Class in the United States Marine Corps and a member of the Serpentine Hills Wildfire Crew of Nottingham, PA. He was proud of what he was doing and what he had accomplished in his life. He will be missed forever and never forgotten.
Within this page I hope that you can find the information that you are looking for reguarding wildfires, fire status and jobs that are available. I have just begun to pull togeather all of the information that I have available to me, so please stop back frequently as I am sure I will be able to provide you with various pieces of information to help you find what you are looking for.
Wildland Firefighting Jobs
Before you go searching for a job fighting wildfires you must first decide exactly what part of the field you are interested. Wheather it be a member of a Hot Shot crew, a smoke jumper, a seasonal employee on a engine, or as a member of a type II crew working under a state agency.
Everyone of these jobs are different in not only the type of work you will perform but also on how to go about getting in touch with the proper agencies to apply for a job.
Before anyone goes any further I would like to try and explain what type of work is involved when fighting wildfires. You will be working long hours, getting little sleep, and performing arduous task. The money that you are paid is certainly not the drawing card for people to do this type of work. It is the work itself and the satisfaction that you are doing a job that needs to be done and at times, it does get the adrenaline flowing. There are two types of people that get involved in trying this type of work, those who love it and can't get enough of it and then there are those who hate it and never want to do it again. It is not for everyone, it is for a few that want to work outdoors, help preserve property and our natural resources.
click here and find out what it's really like
For those of you that are already hooked I hope you can find some useful information at the sites listed below.
Special thanks to Kelly Anderson for various articles that are linked to this site
I am looking to expand and include fire pictures that anyone would like to submit. If you have any send them along with any info. such as fire name and year to my e-mail address and I will post them. Going to try and update once a week..... looking forward to sharing the pics on this site.......
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This site has been designated a treasure by Geo Cities and YaHoo