AzAnnie Adventuress Huntress Retired Freelance Writer!                                                        Welcome!
Fishing, Hunting Small Game, Horses, Motorcycles, Cooking, Entertaining,Dancing, Exploring, AND THE GREAT OUTDOORS are among things THAT I LOVE!
We older gals like to fish AZ, too!
Quail hunting is a good way to spend a day outdoors as well. Horses, roping, rodeos and cowgirl stuff are interesting to this city-tied gal. My favorite lake is Lake Pleasant here  in sunny Arizona and the 3rd best bass lake in the U.S. A.
Just went on my first squirrel hunting venture - first squirrel - first shot - not bad for a vintage huntress, eh?  And the squirrel cacciatori was enjoyed by one and all!
To the left is an auction ad on eBay.  It's a buyer's market these days and selling is tough but I must earn extra $$ by selling my worldly goods on eBay and Craigslist to augment my meager Social Security income.
AzAnnie Spring 1999 Lake Pleasant, Arizona - nice batch of fish, eh?
Check out my auctions at eBay - az4annie
or Yahoo - azannie

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