The purpose of these pages is the study of history and the satisfaction of my own curiosity about the function of these machines. Some of this may be a bit simplistic for the avid and longtime collector, however, I am using this page to grow our hobby as well as to communicate with my fellow fanatics.
What you will not find here are political diatribes. I have and live my own beliefs and do not feel it is my place to foist them off on others. I demand the same courtesy and basic good manners in return.
My main interest is in the realm of semi-automatic pistols and rifles and I seem to be leaning (at present) toward the Egyptian and Czechoslovakian / Eastern European varieties thereof. For those who may not be familiar with the apropriate phraeseology applicable to firearms, semi-automatic or "auto-loading" firearms and full-automatic firearms are quite different, despite the fairly common misconception to the contrary. With a full-auto, the firearm will continue to fire as long as the trigger is depressed. You must depress the trigger individually for each shot you expect out of a semi-automatic.
The pages are broken down into several basic categories. Most of those subsections also link to additional sites or pages.
Curio'n Relix FAQ Contains links to BATF and discussions of various legal issues. | TheOG's Exploded Gallery Contains ''exploded'' or ''breakdown'' illustrations of various firearms), and Favorite Firearms. |
Firearms FAQ Contains general and firearm maintenance information. | Gangsta Guns This is my "other" collection. Not C&Rs, but don't be dissin' 'em. |
Other Voices Contains links to other firearm-related websites. |
Pages regarding my Favorite Firearms are:
Egyptian Firearms Info on the Helwan Brigadier pistol, Hakim rifle, Rashid rifle (which is Hakim's little brother), Swedish Ljungman AG42b (which is Hakim's grand-papa) and Maadi AK47. Includes links to a decoder for Egyptian to Western numerals, exploded-view drawing and lots of other goodies. | Czechoslovakian Firearms like the CZ52 pistol including a discussion of the so-called ''accuracy dots'' and a comparison of various batches of 7.62x25 ammunition. CZ27 pistol including discussion of the German-occupation variant. CZ45 pistol, info about a really neat litle Czech "vest-pocket." CZ50 pistol including some pointers on how to tell a CZ50 from a CZ70 (it ain't easy). VZ52 rifle including an excellent history of the more unusual VZ52/57 in 7.62x39 calibre. |
Hungarian Firearms including the unusual Frommer STOP, an interesting and slightly 'odd-ball' semi-auto pistol. The FEG 29M is another interesting item for those who might be Hungary for info on East-European semi-auto pistols. | Franz Stock semi-auto, a remarkably well-crafted trio of German pistols from the 1920s and 1930s. Mine appears to be a late-production version of the .32cal pocket pistol. Franz Stock made a .32cal long-barrel, a .32 cal short-barrel, a .25cal vestpocket and a .22cal target pistol during that brief tenure. |
AK47 rifles Just what the world needs-- another page about AK47s. Also includes info on the Saiga line of AK47-based commercial sporting rifles and shotguns. | SKS rifles including link to a substantial discussion of the 1956 first-year production Chinese SKS-- the ''Sino-Soviet'' SKS. This is the webpage recognized in the Nov. 20, 2000 Shotgun News write-up. |
Finally, you might ask,
Who is TheOG?
The OG is a nickname I picked up on Tuco's Collectors' Firearms forum. I posted up a description of a new acquisition written in the form of a ''rap'' song which was received with quite a bit of merriment. One thing led to another and pretty soon Tuco was (jokingly-- I think) asking the others not to elicit any more of my (admittedly brilliant) lyrical endeavors by asking everyone ''not to encourage the OG.''
"What is an OG?'' I asked. ''Original Gangsta'' he responded
It stuck as kirbyTheOG.
This site is perennially under construction.
If you are having trouble getting into an area, there is an excellent chance I am in the process of updating it. Keep trying. I'm never working on one area for long. Maybe go check out one of the other areas. They're all worth it! (Shameless self promotion? Who? Me?!!)
Here's a NEAT new Firearm Collectors' operated site by several friends of mine.
Check out:
This is my buddy Steve's range where I shoot
frequently. Click the logo to link over to the Sturm's
Indoor Pistol Range page for info.
This page was established on June 02, 1998.