Lands End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride:
15th-30th July 1998

Two people who work in IT in Sheffield, England cycled from Lands End to John O'Groats (End to End) in the second half of July 1998. They raised £7950 for the Sheffield Childrens Hospital.

This web site provides information on the charity, route, itinerary, sponsors and includes profiles of the cyclists. The site was set up before the ride started and during the ride the diary was frequently updated.

The riders would like to thank all the people who have sponsored them and they hope that this site will encourage other cyclists to ride from Lands End to John O'Groats.

The Charity Cyclist Profiles Diary Itinerary

NEW! Hints and Tips Visitors Book The Route Photos

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These pages were created by and are maintained by Paul Gillibrand
Last updated: 25th July 1999
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