Lance St.Clair's
Generic Homepage
Every now and then I'll update this page so bear with me. One day when I actually have time I will build a cool page. Until that day however, you must look at this one. My apologies.
Quick update: Back from Santiago based in Atlanta and bouncing around in the US now. Back in the US from Australia 2004. I was living in Sydney and Melbourne 2003 which was awesome. Melbourne is my favorite city I've been to so far. Returned from London in May 2002 where I was working as a software consultant for Manhattan Associates. Summer 2002 was hiking Glacier National Park with my brother Eric. Summer 2001 I took a month off and hit Olympic National Park in Washington, Seattle, and North Carolina. If anyone has any other adventures, email me and I might join in.
The UK was great and we had a lot of fun trips. NewYear's was spent in in Rome and Riete, Italy. There was skiing in Zurich and Zug, Switzerland - a weekend in Madrid, Spain - weekend in Copenhagen, Denmark - weekend in Oslo, Norway - Octoberfest in Munich, Germany - and a 4 day tour of Scotland.
Previous adventures include a 4 day raft trip down the RioGrande in Big Bend National Park - a month long stint in Roosendaal, Holland - and hiking the Grand Canyon (Here's a pic of the GC hike and the celebration afterwards)
Past Research
Used to hang out here a lot, maybe you know me from there Wesley
Personal Info.
I'm originally from the sprawling metropolis of Centre, AL which also happens to be the site of Weiss Lake where I am building my log cabin.
View my old Guest Book
If you'd like to get in touch with me, your best bet is e-mail. Go ahead, give me some mail.
Hey, send me some e-mail!