Last updated : May 24th 1999

Hi, I'm Ib Dyhr.

My interests are:
Wooden ships.

The description of my page is:

Other wooden boats
but, above all, the nordlandsboat RANA


Give it to me in DANISH, please !

I used to live in Roskilde, Denmark (a nice city, which by the way celebrated it's 1000 year anniversary last year - Here's a link to information in english)
- but in april 1999 I emigrated to Australia - Sydney to be precise - to marry a wonderful woman and start a new life with her ....

We chat in the 40s room now and then - here's a link to a 40s Room Chatter's list compiled by Cindi - Same list sorted bye birthday could be viewed by clicking HERE

You may join the list through supplying your info to Cindi :

You may download a selfextractable file containing the list as html, mdb, xls and doc format : [DOWNLOAD] - after download rename the file to 40sRoom.exe and doubleclick it !

Situated in Roskilde is a Viking Ship Museum which houses an exhibition of the remainders of 6 (5) viking ships found in Roskilde Fiord.

Besides these wrecks the museum has an impressive collection of traditional scandinavian boats including sailing copies of two (soon three) of the above mentioned wrecks - here is a picture of HELGE ASK - a replica of wreck no. 5 :

Helge Ask :

If you want to see a collection of great pictures of some of these, click the above picture.

As for myself, I'm a member of one of the numerous guilds around the sailing boatcollection -

"My" boat is : (Click for a larger picture - 22K)

- a 110 year old norwegian boat, and I plan to give you much more information on this lovely 35-footer soon.

RANA is a socalled "storåttring" with the following data :

Length overall 10,76 m
Length in waterline 10,40 m
Largest width 2,67 m
Draught 0,57 m
Weight of ballast 960 kg (1250kg)
Sail area 32,95 m2

Total description of RANA is available in the danish version !

What I WOULD like to see is : (Click for a larger picture - 42K)

At the end of february last year we arranged a summit for fellow squaresailguilds at Roskilde. We took the opportunity to register proper names, addresses and phonenumbers for all participating guilds - A complete list can be obtained HERE (34K) or you may download a zipped ACCESS97-database (21K)

Finally, you may download a Word-mail-merge-file : BREVFLET (3K)

RANA Specials

Sunday, March 7th 10:00 Roof off / sanding, paint & tar
Sunday, March 14th 10:00 Paint
Sunday, March 21th 10:00 Paint
Sunday, April 11th 10:00 Paint
Sunday, April 18th 10:00 Ballasting, rigging and .... LAUNCHING !
Sunday, May 2nd 10:00 Real start of season
Sunday, May 9th 10:00 Standard sail
Wednesday, May 19th 17:30 Standard sail
Weekend, May 22nd-24th Whitsun trip ?
Wednesday, June 2nd 17:30 Standard sail
Wednesday, June 16th 17:30 Standard sail
Wednesday, June 23th 17:30 Midsummer Eve - sail & grill & wine
Wednesday, June 30th 17:30 Standard sail
July 4th-18th Summer trip - one week

April 5th RANA launched
April 19th RANA ballasted and rigged
April 26th First trip planned - cancelled - no wind
May 3rd RANAs "practically-virgin-trip" after 18 months - Sailing better than ever!!!
May10th Nice trip on an "almost-summer"-sunday - not much wind - but fine spirit!
thru June 18th Sailing thursday evening
June 23rd Picnic on midsummer's eve
July 4th-7th Summer trip - shortened due to bad weather
July 24th-25th Participating in Grand National Dragon Chase
thru August 27th Sailing wednesday evening
from September 5th Sailing saturday or sunday
October 24th Beached for the winter
November 21th Roof mounted.

I front of Rana: Guess who!!!

Behind Rana :
Kraka Fyr and Helge Ask hibernating
- all in front of the museum

(Click for larger picture)
December 5th Christman lunch [View MENU] [html] [pdf]

To see pictures from a few days of the life of Rana - click the following table :

Pictures from launching of Kraka Fyr (replica of Skuldelev wreck no 6)

Sunday July 26th 1998

Fotografen - Kurt The Photographer - Kurt
Christian - Skipper #1 Christian - Captain #1
John - nederste del John - lower part
Christian igen Christian again
Vagn Vagn
Kraka på slæbestedet Kraka at the slip before launching
Sif Ege / Roar Ege Sif Ege / Roar Ege
Sif Ege Sif Ege
Museumshavnen Museumharbour
Rana 1 Rana 1
Rana 2 Rana 2
Rana 3 - fnadder på linsen Rana 3 - a bit smudged
Rana 4 Rana 4
Rana 5 Rana 5
Kraka Fyr - den lille nye Kraka Fyr - the new one
Rana 6 Rana 6
Gaja - Kopi af Gokstad-skibet - Norge Gaja - Replica of the "Gokstad" ship - Norway
Rana, Helge Ask og Domkirken Rana, Helge Ask and the Cathedral
Rana - besætning 1 Rana - crew 1
Atlantic Chalenge - havnen Atlantic Challenge - the harbour
Rana - besætning 2 Rana - crew 2
Rana - besætning 3 Rana - crew 3
Rana - besætning 4 Rana - crew 4
John John

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