The Greek Carper

hits since April 9th 1998

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This is a picture of a 31 lber which I named "OAT"
You can see the real Oat at Oatmeal Jack's River Swim

Greetings Surfers!

Thanks for stopping by at The Greek Carper, now let me introduce myself.
My name is George Maropoulos and I come from a town called Kozani in Northern Greece.
I am 33 years old (so was Christ and Alexander the Great) and have been carp fishing now for over fifteen years,
and I've loved every minute of it!

Equipment, rigs and Methods

Much has been said and written on the subject and the carping industry is always making new products to tempt the carp angler. I myself like to keep things as simple as I can, after experimenting for years and spending a fortune in new rods and equipment and methods that failed me, I have now settled in using only what I feel confident about and had success in the past. Here I will explain the equipment, from rods to rigs and the presentation-feeding methods that I use. I’m not saying that these are the best techniques only that I feel confident in using them.


a) The helicopter with an 80 gr lead which is a self hooking rig. The leads weight causes the fish to hook itself as it bolts away
b) The in-line lead with a line aligner rig

Both rigs are explained in the diagram which I scanned from Advanced Carp Fishing magazine. (I hope Bob Roberts the editor won’t mind)
The knot that I’m using in both rigs is the knotless knot and the hook a size 6-8 Kamakatsu.

Rods I use 3 Shimano perfection II, 12 ft. , 2.5 lb test curve rods, even though I own 7, which I bought for about $ 120 each. Not the most expensive rods in the market but they do the job nicely, the only problem is that they come in two pieces and so they were to long to carry in my car so I had to buy my self a pickup track to curry them.

Chumming/prebaiting Hemp and corn are my favourite carp attractors. I let hemp soak for 24 h with 5ml of flavour and then boil it until the white from inside starts showing. Using the same water I mix with bread crumps until I have a mixture that I can catapult into my swim.
Carp like hemp and it keeps them coming back to your swim for more. I fish with same flavoured boilies over this bed of hemp and every now and then I throw in some freebies, 10-20 every hour.

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