buckskinner, blacksmithing

Home of T.J.Sublett and family


My name be Jamie an I be a plainsman an a buckskinner from the southwest of the country of the Ioways. My land that I call Ridgewood over looks the Grand River valley and a fine place it is ta be livin at. I share this homestead with my wife, Karen an my daughter Jeni, as well as a batch of cats, dogs, deer, rabbits, an occasional badger or two, an all sorts of other critters.

By trade I be a blacksmith an me shop is set up out in the old barn where I kin make me line of goods what I trade at ronnyvoos. Some times do a little work here locally an also do some custom work. It's because of me trade that most folks at ronneyvoo calls me the Ironbanger.

In me travles I get ta see a lot of this hyar beutifull country what we live in an I'll be relatin some of me adventures as time goes by, so ya'll stop by on occasion an see.

Lets Go ta Rondyvoo!

.View From the Hilltop

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