Yo mon! I'm Daniel Evans!

I live in the city of Ankeny, Iowa ~~ Welcome to my spot.

Hi!! You are welcome here! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 18 years old, and I drive a grill-less '88 Plymouth Colt. 'Nuff said.

My Dad's name is Steve and my Mom's name is JoMarie. I have 5 sisters and 1 brother. We are happy members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's awesome!! My lone bro is on a Mormon mission to Seoul, Korea as I speak. His name is Scott (20). My sisters are pretty spiffy too: Mindy (22) is married to Rich (28), they have Kylie (my niece!), she is 18 mo.; Spencer 10 days; Jennifer (17); Lisa (14); Kellie (11); and Jodi (6). You'll see all of us soon!

Some of my interests include basketball, track, BYU football, fishing, the great outdoors (especially Utah mountains), tooting my alto sax, music, singing in the shower, smiling, acting strange @ home, chasing tornadoes, eating lotsa ice cream, lifting weights, teasing my younger sisters, going on dates w/ my girlfriend, the awesomest person in the nation (Hi Denise!), and a newly found interest in rock climbing! Thanks to Rich (see above). Oh yeah, and who can forget, staying up late and then sleeping in! The areas I've previously lived include: Kaysville, Utah; Vancouver, WA; and........Davenport, IA. Yes sir.
All very nice places, I must say.
I will be going in Provo this fall w/ Scott when he gets back.
Well, that's it for now. Scroll to the bottom for more stuff.

Email me at evans.fam@juno.com
Please come back soon and visit me!


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(my b-day --- Nov. 18)

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Thanks for visiting my page! But before you go, see what advice my pal BG has to give you -----

This site was last updated on May 18, 2000

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