Valois United Group

Sponsored by Valois United Church

Welcome, we are the Valois United group of Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.
Have a look around to find out about us, maybe you could come and join us!

Where We Are:
We meet at Valois United church

		70 Belmont Avenue, 
		Pointe Claire, Quebec, 
		Canada, North America
		Northern Hemisphere 
        3rd Planet from our sun
        outskirts of the milkyway galaxy
Visit some of our groups:

The lunatic scouts.
Next age group down (or is it up) are the cubs they're more civilized.
Then we have our littlest gang the beavers.
Send us an email sometime.

Or you can visit Scouts Canada , come back soon.

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Scouts Canada Mission Statement

To contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities through the application of our principles and practices.

This web site was put together by the Scouts, as part of studying for computer badges.
March 18, 1998

Technical support provided by mother Patricia Campbell
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