Welcome to my photo gallery of old woodworking tools. Just kick back, relax, scroll down, and enjoy the pics

Imagine a "cordless" variable speed and "quiet" router that never needed recharging, and is still going strong after more than a hundred years of use...... This is just such a critter, an interesting and handsome looking router (before they grew "cords" and got all noisey). A stanley #71

"The original "Cordless drill"...a William Marples "Ultimatum" was the state of the art equipent some hundred and fifty years ago.

A craftman made Cherry handled marking or scratch awl "for lay-out work"

Sargent's VBM "very best made" cabinet scraper, was used to produce a fine smooth finish on wavy or curly grained wood that was very difficult to plane.

Stanley #49 swinging fence tounge and groove plane made short work of making those T&G boards. When the fence was in one position it would plane the tounge part of the board and when you rotated the fence on its central pivot it would produce the matching groove, quietly and effiently, and only had one moving part.

Stanley cabinet scraper was another version of the scrapers on the market.

An adjustable Compass Plane "for planing those curved surfaces" Stanley #113. By adjusting only one knob, it could match any conture from concave to convex!

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