Saturday April 6 Running Order
Sunday April 7 Running Order
The German Shorthaired Pointer
(Excerpted from " The AKC Complete Dog Book")
The German Shorthaired Pointer combines in field-dog requirements those qualities which have long Popularized the various breed of hunting dogs. So Successfully have keen scenting powers, linked with high intelligence, been fused into the breed through judicious crossing of the old Spanish Pointer, English Foxhound, German tracking hound, and English Pointer, so varied this dog's field accomplishments, this its adaptability has earned it the reputation of being an all purpose dog.
It is indeed rare to find wrapped up in one package a staunchly pointing birddog, a keen nosed night trailer, a prove duck dog, a natural retriever on land and water, pleasing conformation and markings, great powers of endurance and an intelligent family watchdog and companion. Indicative of this dog's versatility is its successful work o pheasant, quail, grouse. partridge, woodcock, duck, rabbit, coon and possum. It is also used to trail and handle deer. With a water repellent coat and webbed feet, it retrieves well from rough terrain or icy waters.
This magnificent utility dog combines these virtues with good looks, sound temperament and longevity, making the German Shorthaired Pointer a favorite with sportsmen everywhere.