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Huycking is just like hiking, only it's spelled that way because the three of us are Huycks. Teddy, David, and Matt Huyck to be specific. The year after my graduation from college, the three of us took off in Dad's car and hiked through Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. The next year we didn't plan too far ahead, so we ended up doing more car camping than hiking, but we still had a great time in Canyonlands National Park in Utah. This year we won't exactly be hiking, but the Huycking name seems to have stuck. We're currently in the planning stages for a canoeing trip to the Boundary Waters along the border between Canada and Minnesota.
More details about our trips:
- 1996 Grand Teton National Park
- 1997 Canyonlands National Park
- 1998 Boundary Waters (coming soon!)
About the Author
Matt Huyck is a software consultant for Primix Solutions, Inc., based in Watertown, MA. In his spare time he likes to get as far away from computers and phones as possible, although that's becoming increasingly difficult!

Last updated: 7/12/2000, but most content is from 10/23/1998.
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