Baxter State Park

Hello all you fine folks.
My name is Tom Chase aka Brooktrout and I have been putting together a digital album of wildflowers found in Baxter State Park in Maine.
I will be adding more pictures as I find and identify them.
I also will dedicate the pictures to all my internet friends. Please pick the picture you like and I will put your name on it, plus any information you like.

Please sign my guestbook at the bottom and let me know what you think. :)

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Mt. Katahdin

New for 2000

The Queen of all Flowers (Calypso Orchid)

Small Yellow Lady Slipper

New for 1999

Coltsfoot Bloodroot Purple Trillium Trout Lily Dutchman's Breeches Bog Rosemary Pale Corydalis Wild Blueberry Hawthorne
Chokecherry Dark Pink Ladyslippers Ragged Robin with Hummingbird Moth Forget-Me-Nots Yellow Pond Lily High Bush Cranberry Thyme-leaved Speedwell Blackberry Cow Parsnip
White Baneberry Flower Pinesap Grass Pink Albino Grass Pink Rose Pogonia Flowering Sun Dew White Fringed Orchis False Violet

Black Eyed SusanFireweedBladder CampionBirdfoot TrefoilCanada Lily Common Wood SorrelSheep LaurelWild CallaJack in the Pulpit
Moccasin FlowerWhite Moccasin FlowerWild Lily of the ValleyLabrador TeaTrailing ArbutusYellow VioletWhite VioletSpring BeautyPainted Trillium
ClintoniaSolomon's SealPurple Fringed OrchisSmaller SkullcapGoldthreadIndian PipeRhodoraTwinflowerViolet
Evening PrimroseMorning GloryBull ThistleSt. JohnswortCommon TansyPearly EverlastingPickerelweedAgrimonyBunchberry
EyebrightGoldenrodHobblebushJuneberryMeadowsweetStarflowerSteeple bushTurtleheadWatercress
YarrowButter and EggsCardinal FlowerRattlesnake OrchidHare's TailNodding Ladies TrussesBlue VervainBog AsterVirgin's Bower
Broad leaf ArrowheadCommon MilkweedPipsissewaRough Hedge NeddleTwisted StalkWild MintYellow Wood SorrelHop CloverBlue Flag
Ox-Eye DaisyTall meadow RueYellow LoosestrifeCow VetchBristly SarsaparillaLesser StichwortRed CloverButtercupSwamp Rose
AnamoneWild OatsSpotted Touch-Me-NotSnowberryFlat-Topped White AsterObedient PlantWhite Wood AsterBearberryCommon Burdock
Spotted KnapweedSwamp SmartweedWater HorehoundWater PlantainNight Flowering CatchflyIndian TabaccoRound-Leaved SundewFragrant Water LilyBur Reed
Horned BladderwortNarrow-Leaved ArrowheadYellow Star Grass

Please enjoy some of my favorite links

Rockabema Snow Rangers

Baxter State Park

Maine Guides Online

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