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Horse, common name for hoofed, herbivorous mammals that include the domestic horse and three groups of undomesticated species. One group comprises the zebra, native to Africa; another consists of the ass, including the kiang and onager of Asia and the wild ass of Africa. The third group contains Przewalski’s wild horse, which is now found only in captivity. The only extant true wild horse, it produces fertile offspring when crossed with the domestic horse. Other so-called wild horses in various parts of the world, such as the mustang in North America, are descendants of domestic horses that have reverted to a wild state.

"Senseless Crime Committed". ("A Puzzle".)


{1}Credit to his Gender, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


{2}International Racing.


{3}Western Horse


{4}The Boots and Bridle Camp


{5}Appaloosa and Spruce Meadows


{6}Horses,Western Music and Links


{7}Poetry,Angels and Unicorns


{8}Friendship Corral

