To Eric's Hunting Page Hello, my name is Eric and I live in Bozeman Montana. I love elk and elk
hunting. I also enjoy many other outdoor activities here in Montana. In the winter
months we hunt lions and get ready for the next big game hunting season. I also
love to ice fish, so that helps to pass the time between seasons. I am trying to put some other pages together along with this one, to show pictures
and other links. I hope you enjoy. Any questions or comments please e-mail me. If something on any of my pages doesn't work right or if something didn't load please let me know. Some of my other pages: 1998 Hunting PhotosMy Most Current Hunting Photos 1999 Hunting Photos All new photos My chocolate lab's place on the web It has finally happened, I got my first anti-hunting post in my guestbook. I knew it would happen soon enough. I just wanted to thank all of you for posting your positive feedback. All the positives is the whole reason for keeping this site going. This page is hosted by: This Campsite on the Page created by Eric Christophersen
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Eric's Elk Hunting Page