Krislund Camp and Conference Center 2000

Krislund means "Christ's Land"

If you're looking for a summer camp which offers a pioneer lifestyle, Christ, and a lot of FUN, you've come to the right place!
Krislund Camp has been around since 1963 and is still running strong. The past couple of years have been a metamorphosis stage for Krislund, but it's blossoming into something quite unique. History of Krislund

Each camp is 6 days and 6 nights except for Children's Mini Camp and Family Camp. Campers arrive at Krislund Sunday afternoon and stay until Saturday morning. During pickup on Saturday, parents are invited to breakfast for a "Shalom Meal."

Many different camps are provided by Krislund, as follows:

Name of CampNumber of Weeks Offered
Main Camp8
Family Camp2
Mission Trips1
Adventure Trips6
Leadership Camp8
Fine Arts Camp1
Children's Mini Camp4

Prices and ages are discussed on the individual pages.

Quickie Overview

Krislund was originally for campers in grades 3-12, but in past years has expanded to cover 1st graders through adults.

The Food

Every meal except supper (which is over open flame via the campers) is served in the accomidating RC. The kitchen crew, under supervision of a head cook, provides nutritious meals. (I personally vouch for their tastiness.) In case of food allergies, please indicate such on the application form.

The Nurse

There is always a nurse who lives on camp property. Each week there is usually a different nurse who lives in a backroom of the poolhouse. Each camper is required to bring a medical form (which will be sent out by the camp prior to the week of camp attending).

Where on Earth is Krislund?

The Krislund Camp brochure states this about the location of camp: "Krislund is located in the Nittany mountains, 99 miles north of Harrisburg, PA, 23 miles east of State College, PA (home of Penn State University Main Campus), 40 miles west of Lewisburg, PA and 38 miles south of Williamsport, PA. We are 8 miles south of exit #25 on I-80. Detailed directions will be provided upon recieving your application.

Complete 2001 Schedule

For a simpler look at things, click on the above links and check out the camps individually!

Main Camp #1June 17-23grades 3-8
Fine Arts CampJune 17-23grades 7-12
Jr. High Canoe TripJune 17-23grades 7&8
Main Camp #2June 24-30grades 3-8
Sr. High Camp #1June 24-30grades 9-12
Adult Backpacking TripJune 24-30Adults
Family Camp #1July 1-4all ages
Sr. High Canoe, Pack, Climb Trip #1July 1-7grades 9-12
Children's Mini Camp AJuly 2-4grades 1-3
Children's Mini Camp BJuly 5-7grades 1-3
Family Camp #1July 4-7Families
Main Camp #3July 8-14grades 3-8
Sr. High Camp #2July 8-14grades 9-12
Jr. High Backpack, Climb and Cave TripJuly 8-14grades 7&8
Main Camp #4July 15-21grades 3-8
Sr. High Canoe, Backpack and Climb TripJuly 15-21grades 9-12
Main Camp #5July 22-28grades 3-8
Sr. High Camp #3July 22-28grades 9-12
Children's Mini Camp CJuly 23-25grades 1-3
Children's Mini Camp DJuly 26-28grades 1-3
Main Camp #6July 29-August 4grades 3-8
Sr. High Camp #4July 29-August 4grades 9-12
Main Camp #7August 5-11grades 3-8
Sr. High Camp #5August 5-11grades 9-12
College Backpacking TripAugust 5-11College-age adults
Main Camp #8August 12-18grades 3-8
Mission TripAugust 12-18All reasonable ages
Family Camp #2August 19-22All ages
Leadership Training CampsDurning any Main Campgrades 9-12

Please note that Leadership Camp is offered EVERY WEEK. See the detailed page for further information.

For an application online,CLICK HERE, print, fill out, send in with deposit money.

A deposit fee of $75 ($25 for Children's Mini Camp) should be sent with the application. This fee is nontransferable and nonrefundable. If for some reason space is not available, your deposit WILL BE RETURED. The balance of the money is required at registration. Some scholarships are awarded, so have no fear! Speaking from personal experience, when I was a camper, my church paid for half of my ticket to Krislund!!!

Camp Phone:(814)-422-8878 Camp Fax:(814)-422-8774 Camp Email:

Krislund Home My Experience Online Application Main Camp Adventure Trips Family Camp Mission Trips Leadership Camps Fine Arts Camp Canadian Canoe Trip Caving and Climbing Trip Children's Mini Camp

© January 1, 2001

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