Bailey Mountain Fish & Game Club's Homepage

The Bailey Mountain Fish & Game Club, Inc.

Bailey Mountain Fish and Game Club, Inc. is located on Synders Lake Road in the Town of North Greenbush, New York. The club consists of approximately 35 acres. Club facilities include a club house, a covered picnic pavillion, a range for rifle and pistol, a stationary and walk through bow range, and a one station trap range.

Bailey Mountain Fish and Game Club, Inc. is affiliated with the following organizations:

Bailey Mountian Fish and Game Club. Inc. is involved in a wide range of conservation, outdoor education, shooting, hunting. and fishing activities. Some of these activities include:

Bailey Mountian Wilderness Survival School

New York State Hunter Training

New York State Bow Hunter Education

New York State Pistol Safety Course

4H Shooting Sports Courses

Blue Bird House Conservation Project

Ice Fishing Annual Contest

Youth Fishing Educational Projects

Club membership helps support conservation, the shooting sports, outdoor education, youth conservation projects, hunting, fishing, community conservation projects, and ethical outdoor conduct.

To contact the Club either mail to Bailey Mountain Fish and Game Club, Inc. P.O. Box 31, Wynantskill, New York, 12198 or send e-mail to

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