Welcome to my Summer Jam99 website. If you have read this already, click here to go to the next page. If not, read it once, it will most likely answer your questions. If it doesn't, send an email to arclight9@excite.com and I will do my best to answer it. Sorry that I didn't get this site up on time. But if you look at the sky in the last few pictures, you can guess when I went to sleep. (Yes, I saw the sun rise). So, I was a bit tired when I got home yesterday and went to bed. Also, if your picture is on this site and you don't want it to be, send me an email and I will take it off. Unless you are that chick who drove into the ditch. I thought that shit was funny, and you are going to just have to get over it. Also, if you have some other pictures from Summer Jam 99 and want them up on the Internet, send them via email to me and I will put them up. I don't have any good pictures of the Ramos campsite (for some reason, they all have people in the way ....) and I would like to post some if anyone got good pictures of that and would like to send them to me. Note that this is not the official website, but my own. That means that I am not getting paid for this and really don't feel like scanning your pictures in. (I might make an exception for great shots, email me and we'll talk about it.) If you have hard images (you had to get them developed), find someone with a scanner (like Kinko's) and email them to me. OK, that's enough yapping about it. Click here to continue ...