Welcome to the sharp end. My life on the sharp end started over 25 years ago when as a boy I started my wilderness education by hiking and climbing around in woods around Big Bear Lake California. And since then has come full circle, Having spent time almost every summer for the past 19 years hiking the trails of the Sierra Nevada. And in the last five years set my sights on Mountain Peaks ( The Bigger the Better) My Climbs:
THE BACKCOUNTRY PHOTO ARCHIVE -Check out some of my many photos of the mountains
Links to other sites on the Web
Please Let me know what you think of my web page
© 1997 couch@dconn.com
GORDIE'S RAMBLINGS IN THE SIERRA NEVADA - Great site with lots of links
TET'S MOUNTAIN CORNER - Another great site with route profiles and some good links
SIERRA ALPINE CLIMBING SOCIETY - This site has a lot of links and info dealing with the sierra
Mt. WHITNEY HOME PAGE - This is a good site for climbing and hiking Mt. Whitney
NATIONAL PARK SEVERES Mt. WHITNEY PAGE - This is the Nat. Park Severes Whitney page
INYO NAT. FOREST RESERVATIONS - Find out here about making backcountry reservations in the inyo Nat. Forest
N.P.S. YOSEMITE PAGE - A place to find out the low down on Yosemite Nat. Park
JOHN MUIR TRAIL PAGE - Want to hike the John Muir trail, then check out this site
EASTERN SIERRA WEB PAGE - Go here to get the low down on the Eastern Sierras
SIERRA WEATHER - Need a weather report for your next outing? then click on this one
EASTERN SIERRA AVALANCHE BULLETIN - Heading out inthe snow if so check out this site so you dont get caught up to your neck in snow
ROCK LIST - Want some more links on climbing then go here and it will keep you busy for a long time
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Try Pan Terra, A GPS Tool from Topo Grafix
There is a GREAT tool that you can use with youe GPS to find that peak,lake.or spot your looking for.The Pan Teerra Gps tool lets you search for over 1.6 million waypoints in the U.S you add the way points to a list and see the distance between them. You can view them on maps (on line)and then up load them into your GPS.You can also use it with maping programs to plot a corse for an upcoming hike or climb. This Program is a must have for any outdoorsman. And you can try it out for free just give this a click and you are on your way.
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