Martin's Schroeckliche Homepage

This site contains stories of our journeys through Maryland and across the U.S., written in either German or English language. Because my kids and I love canoeing, kayaking and backcountry camping, you may find some interesting trip descriptions here.

Another Ossi Goes West [Tom's Homepage]

Mission Control - We had a lift-off [Spring 1997 in Florida]

Nantahala River Rafting [Some pix of our summer 1997 vacation]

A (temporary) Home in the Woods [Some pix of our autumn 1996 vacation]

Maryland Renaissance Fair [Pix of our visit in October 1996]

Potomac Cruise [Some pix of our neighborhood waterway]

Ossi goes West [Yellowstone- / Grand-Teton-Nationalpark 1995]

To the Rocky Shores of Maine and New York [Acadia / Adirondacks 1996]

Christoph's and Michael's Homepage [Model Rockets / Lego Stuff]

Helpful hints, devastating criticism and funny remarks email to me. Thanx!
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