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Bear's Clover Yosemite, Pottery and Art Page.

Valley View in Yosemite  Cowboy Bob  stoneware cup

(Click on the above "thumbnails" to see a larger version of the pictures.)

A photo of Yosemite Valley, one of my "Cowboy" paintings, and a stoneware cup.

Welcome! I am "Bear's Clover" and I am an artist, potter, and Yosemite National Park fanatic. I was so glad that GeoCities has a "Yosemite" neighborhood, because it is definitely where I belong! My "real" name is J.R. Dunster, and I am a native Californian, who has had a lifelong love affair with Yosemite. (I recently moved to the out-of-state, but I still make the commute to Yosemite regularly!)

I have put several sections to this web page.  It started out as basically a Yosemite Photo page, but I started adding and adding...  I now have a page for my (and my sister's) pottery, pages for my artwork, even a page about film music.   And more things just seem to creep on here.  So, hope you will browse around, and come back soon, I am always tinkering!


Here is my Main Menu:

  • Portrait Art Page.  I have always painted and drawn portraits.   I do a lot of media/TV/movie related portraits (perhaps because I am from LA, this is an interest of mine.)  Also, I have a series of tongue-in-cheek "Cowboy" portraits, an homage to those good-old-bad TV westerns I grew up with!
  • Yosemite Page.  Some of the many  photos I have taken in this beautiful place over the years.
  • Pottery Page.  Examples of my sister's and my pottery.   I create  pots  on my potter's wheel, and then decorate them with colorful glazes.  My sister makes ocarinas (clay whistles) sculpted in the shape of whimsical animals.
  • Check out my film music page.  I focus on Oscar-winning composer Jerry Goldsmith, and even include a few music clips!
  • Watercolor Page.  Some of the watercolors that I painted on location in Yosemite.
  • California Poppy Page. I added this little page for fun!
  • Portrait Art Tutorial. For those who are interested in the inner workings of portrait art.
  • Yosemite Radio Scanner Frequencies Page. For those of you who are interested.
  • My Response form. Don't forget to fill it out! I had a bit of fun with it, hope you will too!
  • Favorite Links Page.  I think I have found some Yosemite, travel, and pottery links that are gems.
  • Web Ring Page.  Check out the fabulous Web Rings that I belong to!
  • I added a page with one of my favorite pictures from Catalina Island.
  • My Yosemite 1998 Page.
  • Travel Itinerary for driving on California's scenic Highway 101.

Want to sign my Guestbook?

Want to view my Guestbook?

bearsclover@mac.com Send me some e-mail!

(Much thanks to B. Thompson, for designing my e-mail graphic!)

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Also of great help was Built with Homesite HomeSite, and some help from Dreamweaver.

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All photos: Copyright © J.R. Dunster, 1998-2004

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This page last updated: 3/14/04

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