Welcome to my web site, a virtual tour of

Newfoundland & Labrador

Hello fellow pub-crawlers - as you may have noticed, this site hasn't been updated in years. Sadly, it's been a while since I was back in Newfoundland, being employed here in Guelph, as I am. Feel free to take a look around, and when I get a chance to go home again, I'll do my best to update things. In the meantime, take 'er easy!

This site is comprised of three distinct sections, all of which physically start from a single location - St. John's. There is a virtual tour north from St. John's all the way to the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula, and another south from St. John's all the way to the West Coast. The third tour is a virtual pub-crawl of George Street in downtown St. John's. Please take the time to take each tour, and enjoy the beautiful scenery that makes Newfoundland what it is.

Member of Canada HyperBanner
Member of Canada HyperBanner

Tour 1

St. John's to St. Anthony

Tour 2

Cape Spear to the West Coast

The tour of the island of Newfoundland is only the beginning however. No tour of Newfoundland would ever be complete without venturing to the much larger portion of the province known as Labrador. Rich in minerals, forests, water and wildlife, but at the same time cold and unforgiving, Labrador has possesses a majesty unlike anywhere else in the world. Please take some time and go on this extremely short tour, which only covers a fraction of what Labrador has to offer.

Tour 3 - Labrador

While the virtual tour of Newfoundland & Labrador is nice, the real purpose of this page is to give the average "Mainlander", or even Newfies away from home, a chance to visit the best known street in this historic city - George Street. Just click on the picture below to begin this walk that so many of us have taken...

Tour 4 - George Street Pub Crawl

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