Gidday!! Welcome to Pete's Home Page

Hi I'm Peter Harbour.

I've got some photos of Australia for anyone that's interested.
Most of them are of National parks and the Australian Bush
Some of my interests are:

Below is an example of what is on offer in the pages within.

This is a photo of Cape Conran in south eastern Victoria, Australia.
The orange/red colour on the rocks is lichen.


holiday snaps from February '98!!!

overseas trip to UK/Ireland

How I won a Maton Electric guitar auto graphed by Paul Kelly with photos (not taken by me)

X-Country Skiing at Falls Creek 2004

Please come back soon and visit me again as I do update my pages semi-regularly.
Also leave a message in my guestbook(Sign Guestbook)and tell me what you think
or just see what others have written.( View Guestbook)

I think all these visits have been me!!!

Copyright© 1997 - 1998, Peter Harbour, Melbourne. All rights reserved.

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